Want To Grow More Food? Grow on a Trellis

Want To Grow More Food? Grow on a Trellis

With gardens getting smaller and food getting more costly, everyone wants to make room to grow more food in less space. Well guess what? If you have 50″ and a gap between your planting beds you can set up an arbour for under $100.00 in less than an hour.  Of course i wanted one in my own garden so we made an episode of Little Jobs in the Garden to show you how I did it .

Kids Engaged in Gardening

Kids Engaged in Gardening

So my grandkids love watermelons. And eating peas. But how do I get them away from their monster trucks and into the greenhouse? I do it with water. All ages love to water and they love to play with the various hoses and sprinklers I have in my greenhouse and garden. I also let them discover the excitement of the treasure hunt when it comes to pulling potatoes.

Fantastic News: Website a Winner!

Fantastic News: Website a Winner!

How does it feel to be a winner? I am happy for myself but thrilled for my team at Swag Design Factory: Liz, Barry and Ian. This is an example of them having faith in me and redesigning what I needed instead of what I wanted. Good Job! How did you know?

Soil Research: Improve Your Soil, Improve Our World

Soil Research: Improve Your Soil, Improve Our World

Soil Research shows improving Your Garden Soil by adding organic matter improves the world by reducing climate change. New York Times writer Kendra Pierre-Louis says soil research shows ordinary back yards are more likely to reduce climate change over parks. This isn’t the first time I have heard of gardeners saving the world one back yard at a time….”Terra Pretta: How the World’s Most Fertile Soil Can Help Reverse Climate Change” impressed me last year. Adding Biochar is one way to permanently boost carbon in the soil and take carbon out of the air.