Worm Castings: Dan’s Story

Worm Castings: Dan’s Story

The worm’s gut system includes an amazing grinder to break down their food and some of the soil. The organic grain mixed with bedding feeds the microorganisms already present in the soil and these microbes feed the worms. Earthly matters uses certified organic grain to feed their soil and makes sure to avoid food waste or animal waste so they can control the worm’s environment. Because of this they have been able to certify their product as organic through Eco Cert.

Potatoes: Differing Results from Growbags

Potatoes: Differing Results from Growbags

My sister was excited to eat her potatoes so she dug them all up. Yikes. Only a single baby potato  appeared. If you have potatoes in pots or in the ground and you are wondering if they are ready to dig up feel the top of the soil first with your hands. If you can feel a potato, pull it out.

Soil Matrix Biochar & Terra Pretta

Soil Matrix Biochar & Terra Pretta

That’s the real sort of clincher is that bio char, made properly, attracts and houses and protects and provides a dwelling place for the microbes. These work synergistically with plants. So you have all three of those things happening at the same time, and now you’ve got a material that goes into the soil and works positively with plants.

Make Your Own Biochar

Make Your Own Biochar

So the simple answer is yes. You can make your own biochar. The more complicated question is HOW will you do it without harming the environment?  Make sure to research this topic fully before digging in and doing more harm than good to the soil and environment you are trying to rescue. Making your own biochar is a case of literally jumping from the pan into the fire if it is not done correctly.