Growing Micro-greens: Tips From the Pros

Growing Micro-greens: Tips From the Pros

I open the conversation by asking if the wilted arugula greens on our restaurant breakfast plates are from her employer and Mali looks at me in shock. No, she says, definitely not. And as if each leaf has a GPS tracking system on it, Mali is clear:  these tiny greens...
Dwarf Tomatoes for Greenhouse Growers

Dwarf Tomatoes for Greenhouse Growers

Once I dig in I discover there are 139 varieties listed on the Dwarf Tomato Project website and I know I can’t try them all. I specifically want to try a few  new varieties for my greenhouse without reading all the many plant descriptions so I ask an artificial intelligence program to suggest the top ten  dwarf tomato varieties

Introducing the Best Compost Bins

Introducing the Best Compost Bins

Introducing the Best Compost Bins Are you tired of having to knock  on your compost bin to scare the rats or mice away before you open the lid? Or have you seen squirrels chew through your plastic city-supplied compost bin, leaving easy rat-access holes?   Then,...