Watch: How to Attract Beneficial Bugs

Watch: How to Attract Beneficial Bugs

I help gardeners grow& beginners blossom. No seed left behind,no soil unturned. Together we can have lots of fun growinggreat gardens using simple practical tips. - Featured in - Start saving & storing your garden seeds for a more more sustainable future SIGN...
Write it Down! – Little Jobs in the Garden

Write it Down! – Little Jobs in the Garden

Do you journal about your garden? Do you know want to be entertained and learn from your own garden efforts? Of course you do. That is why Donna Balzer wrote the Three Year Gardener’s Gratitude Journal: Part Diary, Part Personal Growing Guide. This guide is packed with fun tidbits and garden information as well as garden stories. Donna shows you how to use it in your garden.
If it is little jobs for little people you are excited about sharing then watch the second half when Donna works with her grandkids in the garden. Tips for getting kids involved? Just do it yourself and they will follow and the messier the better.

Drip Irrigation in the Greenhouse

Drip Irrigation in the Greenhouse

Here is the Little Jobs in the Garden video about my new drip system. I have been adjusting the system so that I water twice a day. I find the timers easy to set and right now I water at 5 Am and at the peak of the heat at 1 PM. The system runs for 10 minutes now each time.
The second video is all about how plants in the cabbage family are not good companions for my tomatoes. Did you know some plants like cabbage and sunflowers are allelopaths? They can slow down or damage other plants. 

Kids Engaged in Gardening

Kids Engaged in Gardening

So my grandkids love watermelons. And eating peas. But how do I get them away from their monster trucks and into the greenhouse? I do it with water. All ages love to water and they love to play with the various hoses and sprinklers I have in my greenhouse and garden. I also let them discover the excitement of the treasure hunt when it comes to pulling potatoes.

Oh Dear! Deer in My Garden

Oh Dear! Deer in My Garden

So my grandkids love watermelons. And of course I want to please my grandkids so I promised to grow watermelons for their August visit. But this year, more than ever before, the deer are eating my watermelon plants. I even sprayed all around the plants with Bobbex to deter the deer. And that’s when they took a really big bite – of the biggest fruit. So I took the next step and put up a mechanical barrier. Watch the video of me covering and protecting my watermelons from deer this summer