Handsome Homemade Wreaths
Continue adding bundles of greens on top of the willow or grape frame as you move around the edge. Always keep greens on the top half. You don’t want some greens under the ring or it won’t lay flat on your wall.
Continue adding bundles of greens on top of the willow or grape frame as you move around the edge. Always keep greens on the top half. You don’t want some greens under the ring or it won’t lay flat on your wall.
In Montreal, Claude Cormier once again uses colour as a way to draw you through a display. TOM’s are temporary overlay markers, used in road construction. Cormier placed the TOMs on the road beside the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts in Montreal. We literally stumbled on it one sunny afternoon….
Do you want to make your own glass-dish flowers for the garden? Artist Wendy Savi Start suggests you start off with clean dishes so that the silicone will adhere. “I often give the dishes a wipe with rubbing alcohol after I wash them.” Play around with your arrangement till you find something that works for you. Silicone the dishes together with GE Clear Silicone II and let the arrangement set for a day. Don’t be skimpy with the silicone! Read More…
GWA members were in Buffalo, New York last week to see the gardens and learn the trade. Here are some images from my trip to Buffalo including glass flowers
Be Inspired- Blossom into a full-grown gardener!
Carol spent more time getting her garden ready for the garden tour than most of us spend on our yards all year long. Gardening and decorating her garden is her passion.
I just think that nature is so beautiful on its own and incorporating that into your décor or celebrating the season in a more natural way with the rythyms of nature and the cycles that she brings and the different plants that we appreciate at different times of year is really important to me.