by Donna Balzer | Aug 19, 2018 | Food
Knowing when your watermelon is ripe helps you pick it at the peak of perfection. Pick it too early and it is light pink and only half as sweet. Pick too late and it is soft and decomposing. In Northern gardens summer is ending soon so we have to make a call…. here’s how I do it. UPDATED September 18, 2018
by Donna Balzer | Jul 31, 2018 | Bugs & Buggers, Food, Gadgets, Greenhouse, VIDEOS
Here is the Little Jobs in the Garden video about my new drip system. I have been adjusting the system so that I water twice a day. I find the timers easy to set and right now I water at 5 Am and at the peak of the heat at 1 PM. The system runs for 10 minutes now each time.
The second video is all about how plants in the cabbage family are not good companions for my tomatoes. Did you know some plants like cabbage and sunflowers are allelopaths? They can slow down or damage other plants.
by Donna Balzer | Jul 31, 2018 | Food, Gadgets, GARDENING, THE LATEST, VIDEOS
So my grandkids love watermelons. And eating peas. But how do I get them away from their monster trucks and into the greenhouse? I do it with water. All ages love to water and they love to play with the various hoses and sprinklers I have in my greenhouse and garden. I also let them discover the excitement of the treasure hunt when it comes to pulling potatoes.
by Donna Balzer | Jul 24, 2018 | Bugs & Buggers, Food, Gadgets, VIDEOS
So my grandkids love watermelons. And of course I want to please my grandkids so I promised to grow watermelons for their August visit. But this year, more than ever before, the deer are eating my watermelon plants. I even sprayed all around the plants with Bobbex to deter the deer. And that’s when they took a really big bite – of the biggest fruit. So I took the next step and put up a mechanical barrier. Watch the video of me covering and protecting my watermelons from deer this summer
by Donna Balzer | Jul 11, 2018 | Bugs & Buggers, Food, GARDENING, Greenhouse, Soil, VIDEOS
Last year my cauliflowers killed my tomatoes. But I am a sucker for punishment so this year I wanted to see if the cabbages would do the same thing. So it is the first full week of July and the verdict is in. I think my cabbages are killing my tomatoes.
by Donna Balzer | May 7, 2018 | Food, GARDENING
Obvioulsy I had to try potatoes in shallow water because I love potatoes and am always looking for better or different ways to grow them. If you follow this blog you know I have grown red potatoes and blue potatoes. I have grown them in both bags and pots and in wire fencing. I have even grown them in the ground like everyone else! But I had never ever done this before I heard about Al’s friend’s dream.