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Foraging: Collecting and Eating Wild Food
That means trying to educate people first about the fact that it’s really easy to go to the supermarket and, for example, get some blueberries that have been cultivated in the Fraser Valley or in another place in Northern America. But, in terms of a possibility, on Vancouver Island, when you reach an 800 metre elevation it’s full of wild blueberries bushes.

Soil Matrix Biochar & Terra Pretta
That’s the real sort of clincher is that bio char, made properly, attracts and houses and protects and provides a dwelling place for the microbes. These work synergistically with plants. So you have all three of those things happening at the same time, and now you’ve got a material that goes into the soil and works positively with plants.

Grow Cole Crops: Broccoli and Caulflower to suit every garden
While cole crops include the whole cabbage family COLD crops include so much more. You can try spinach, leaf lettuce, green onions and radish early in the garden or cool greenhouse as COLD crops as soon as the ground thaws enough to seed.

Grow Ordinary Food in Extraordinary Ways
Khaled tells me during our podcast interview that the harvest from June bearing strawberries vrs day neutral strawberries is almost the same over the course of the season. The biggest difference – he says – is that you get your berries all at once with June bearing varieties and with day neutral types like Hecker, Eversweet or Albion you get them over a three or four month period from July through October…..

Growing my own food
It’s February and I made the best-ever toasted tomato sandwiches from tomatoes I picked last fall. It has become a fun challenge to grow most of our own greens and vegetables for most of our meals year-round but this is the first time I have had tomatoes in February. Last week I made a Potato and Leek soup for lunch from our garden and last night we picked fresh arugula for a salad. It is no longer a matter of “poor me” Now it is a matter of “lucky me.”

The Nature Effect
You could say it was a bad week. But we were rested and had just spent a week by the water in a tropical forest so we were carrying the positive vibes with us as disasters struck. We actually laughed as each new crisis piled on.
Do you want to be less grumpy? Take your dog for a hike in the woods. Go camping. Hang out near water or sit under an evergreen tree. The nature effect will win you over, change your attitude and make you smile even if your house is falling apart around you. What is the nature effect and why do we care? It is the way a forest heals and changes us. It is the value of meditation but its as simple as a stroll in the woods with your dog. Here are the three books I just finished reading about the nature effect of forest bathing.