I help gardeners grow
& beginners blossom.

No seed left behind,
no soil unturned.

Together we can have lots of fun growing
great gardens using simple practical tips.

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Introducing the Best Compost Bins

Introducing the Best Compost Bins

Introducing the Best Compost Bins Are you tired of having to knock  on your compost bin to scare the rats or mice away before you open the lid? Or have you seen squirrels chew through your plastic city-supplied compost bin, leaving easy rat-access holes?   Then,...

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Prepping & Planting Tomatoes : Step By Step

Prepping & Planting Tomatoes : Step By Step

  Prepping & Planting Tomatoes According to my soil thermometer, the soil temperature in my greenhouse is finally 50 degrees F (10 degrees C) so I prep the soil and plant this year's tomato crop. Prepping the soil involves adding an inch of compost from my...

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My Favourite Tomato This Year

My Favourite Tomato This Year

Yes I grow tomatoes every year and  every year I usually have the same favourite. And my favourite is usually the lovely Juliet  - because with the way I grow (in a greenhouse), it is always the earliest, always the heaviest producer and  always around for the longest...

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Greenhouse Tips and Tricks: Get the best Advice Here

Greenhouse Tips and Tricks: Get the best Advice Here

“We give the best advice we can in terms of setting up a greenhouse, planning out the heat, planning out the cooling. The greenhouse gives you the medium –  it’s like the canvas, and then you just have to add a few little things [like] a small heater and [maybe] cooling  if the fans aren’t going to be enough, we give advice on that. And BC Greenhouses are sold around the world from Australia and Europe to South America and across North America. It’s a small BC company with a big reputation internationally. ” Read on to find out more about planning your greenhouse.

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Branding + Web Design  & Development: Swag Design Factory | Illustrations Mariko Patterson | © Donna Balzer