Guest: Dan Rollingson, Earthly Matters
Big Idea:
Raise your own worm fertilizer: 15 years of experience.
Topic Today:
“Keeping it simple is kind of the key and worm castings is one of the best ways to grow simply.” Dan purchased a simple “system” for raising worms but when most of the worms died he knew he had to change things up. From the first grower that claimed his roses had never been so good to a large organic tomato farm that now uses thousands of litres of Dan’s worm castings, the business has grown organically.
How does it work? The worms basically eat the microbes in their bedding and the organic grain added to the soil, feeds the microbes. “[Grain] doesn’t sound like a very good diet or enough in the diet, [but] basically we’re ramping up what’s in the soil as far as the biology goes. So then the worms go in and they start feeding on that [biology] it’s quite amazing.”
Movie that inspired Dan: Cuba: The Accidental Revolution
Dan’s Website: www.earthlymatters.ca
Contact Dan: [email protected]
Instagram: @earthlymatters
Arthropods referred to in Dan’s castings : Hypoaspis miles are beneficial bugs that eat fungus gnats, thrips and springtails in the soil. Rove beetles, another beneficial insect, eat larger mites and other arthropods.