Helping Gardeners Grow Podcast

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Episode 10 – Grow Food Now From Seed This Spring

Helping Gardeners Grow: The Podcast
Helping Gardeners Grow: The Podcast
Episode 10 - Grow Food Now From Seed This Spring

Guest: Donna Balzer,

Big Idea:

“It’s so clear everyone has become re-engaged in growing food during this pandemic, hence the run on seeds at the stores,” said Dinah via email. She went on to ask her many questions and suggest that Donna tape a special podcast on this subject. Well here it is!

Donna has been answering questions from media and getting emails directly from new gardeners so her and Robyn, her producer, decided to dedicate a whole show to growing food from seed.

In this episode of Helping Gardeners Grow Donna mentions:

– Roof de-icing cables to warm the soil in her greenhouse. You can see those at several places online including

– Floating row covers (also called fleece) and they come in many weights and brand names including Reemay and Agribon. Donna uses the winter weight 50-Agribon to keep plants in her greenhouse covered overnight early in the season. This fabric adds an extra layer of protection.

– Soil thermometers are available at several places online but most of them are in Fahrenheit so you have to do the conversion to Centigrade. Knowing your soil temperature helps you know when to start cold versus warm season crops.

– Plastic Domes are useful for adding an extra boost when you are starting seeds at home or in the greenhouse in standard 1020 trays. An example can be seen here:

– Soil-less seed mixes that do not contain any real topsoil are best for starting seeds. Real topsoil is too heavy and sticky.

– Carrot rust fly and cabbage moths are discussed and more information about these is widely available on the web and in Donna’s book “No Guff Vegetable Gardening.”

– Wasps are beneficial bugs. Respect them as part of the ecosystem.

Instagram: @Donna_Balzer
Web site:


Donna is Helping Gardener’s Grow through her interviews with various growers and gardeners. Want to build soil, grow food in extraordinary ways or raise the world’s most expensive spice? Listen in, rate and subscribe.

In every podcast we talk about food or how to grow better food. To ask a question about the current or past episodes send a voice memo from your phone to [email protected]. In the voice memo tell us your name and where you garden first and then ask your question.

Music in every episode is by Donna’s son, Brennan Anderson, a musician in Smithers, British Columbia, Canada. Season 2 has all new music so thank-you Brennan!


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