Growing Micro-greens: Tips From the Pros
I open the conversation by asking if the wilted arugula greens on our restaurant breakfast plates are from her employer and Mali looks at me in shock. No, she says, definitely not. And as if each leaf has a GPS tracking system on it, Mali is clear: these tiny greens...
April Showers Bring May Flowers
Spring Flowers The earliest flowers in my cold Calgary garden are always alpines and woodland plants. The same is true in my mild west coast garden. But while the order of bloom is the same in different regions, the exact bloom time and quality of bloom changes with...
Dwarf Tomatoes for Greenhouse Growers
Once I dig in I discover there are 139 varieties listed on the Dwarf Tomato Project website and I know I can’t try them all. I specifically want to try a few new varieties for my greenhouse without reading all the many plant descriptions so I ask an artificial intelligence program to suggest the top ten dwarf tomato varieties

Cutting Roots on a large tree spells trouble
I have learned you can never really “see” what is going on in your yard, especially below ground. And even though I am an experienced gardener I didn’t know my large spruce tree was about to fall down.