Where: Calgary Horticulture Society Spring Garden Show at Spruce MeadowsWhen: April 29, 2017What: Put Your Money where your mouth is – Five tips to grow a better garden life

Where: Calgary Horticulture Society Spring Garden Show at Spruce Meadows
When: April 29, 2017
What: Put Your Money where your mouth is – Five tips to grow a better garden life

If you garden and you are limited to doing one thing, you must build better soil. But if you can do five things, you can build soil, add garden covers, plant vertical and pop-up gardens, juggle planting dates to stagger harvest and start saving the world one honeybee at a time. Growing a better garden and creating a perfect life are like hugs and kisses – they just go together. Get inspired to grow more today. Sign up here.

Where: Victoria Seedy SaturdayWhen: February 18,2017What: No Space? No Problem:

Where: Victoria Seedy Saturday
When: February 18,2017
What: No Space? No Problem:

Cultivate creatively in vertical gardens Multiply your yields faster than breeding bunnies without expanding your space. Let food spill over your deck or patio, climb up your wall, or push into that skinny space between wall and fence. Growing food more creatively by growing vertically lets you raise more edibles in a smaller space than you thought possible. Tips, techniques and handouts guarantee great success this season.