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Lemons: Fresh From the tree in Canada!

Lemons: Fresh From the tree in Canada!

Looking back on my video from 2015 I can see how much longer my hair was then and how much shorter my two year old lemon trees are. The lemons are now touching the roof of my shelter and this year I harvested 54 lemons in the fall and many more during the season for a total of 75 lemons per tree. If you are thinking of growing citrus and can’t move west, consider them as a houseplant! They are self-pollinating and pretty hardy if you have a cool spot with bright light.

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Grow the Easiest Veggie Ever : Garlic

Grow the Easiest Veggie Ever : Garlic

Garlic is the easiest crop ever and fresh garlic tastes so delicious and yummy. If you want to start it outdoors this winter get it in the ground this month. It will sprout in early spring and you will be delighted when you harvest it next summer.

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My 2020 Tomatoes : Flavour and Overall Ratings

My 2020 Tomatoes : Flavour and Overall Ratings

Generally the bigger the tomato the less sweet they are but I have also noticed the really big ones do not produce as many tomatoes overall. I only got six huge Aussie tomatoes on my one plant. Find out how my Brix testing of tomatoes went and why sweetness isn’t the only factor to consider when choosing the right tomatoes for your garden.

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How to Grow and Harvest Cantaloupes

How to Grow and Harvest Cantaloupes

If cantaloupes have to be tugged hard and yet will not give way from the plant they are not ripe. One reference said they will easily slip off  the plant once ripe. I wasn’t sure how to define the word “easy” or “slip”. Melons will not continue to ripen fully once picked so it is important to pick them when they are really ripe and not a week before. Also, in Canada, there is only time to produce 3-4 melons per plant per year so anything picked unripe is a wasted melon.

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Potatoes: Differing Results from Growbags

Potatoes: Differing Results from Growbags

My sister was excited to eat her potatoes so she dug them all up. Yikes. Only a single baby potato  appeared. If you have potatoes in pots or in the ground and you are wondering if they are ready to dig up feel the top of the soil first with your hands. If you can feel a potato, pull it out.

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