I help gardeners grow
& beginners blossom.
No seed left behind,
no soil unturned.
Together we can have lots of fun growing
great gardens using simple practical tips.
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Start saving & storing your garden seeds for a more more sustainable future
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Watch: A Greenhouse is a Dreamhouse
What Would Donna Do?
Get my growing and gardening tips and pointers throughout the season.
Perfect… I would love to see your spreadsheet. Mine is mostly in my head and is different for inside the greenhouse and outside….
Hi Stephanie – I think I emailed you that recipe…. do you still need the biochar recipe? Send me an email please!
Hi Donna, I attended your talk last night in Courtenay and bought some bio char. If I understood correctly you have a recipe from Steve Solomon on how to mix the bio char to get the best benefit from it. I would appreciate if you would share that recipe. Look forward to hearing from you your talk was so inspiring.
All the best, stephanie
I am starting seeds at various times. Some for the first time and some are ‘repeat clients’ so I start them more than once – like cauliflower. I am working with a friend who is thinking of developing a spread-sheet for me. I will keep you all posted
Hi Julia – here is a link to Donna’s Newsletter Archives: https://us13.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=ad3171ac16e558ca4f2bf2ca9&id=c5136e5d04
Let us know if that does not work for you!
The DB Support Team
Are past newsletters available so that I can get an idea of a full year of when to start which seeds? Many thanks. Loved the live facebook session.